Sophia Gaia,
O Mama, I realize
I’ve never left Here.
But the mind, who can
Dream of anything at all
Can distract from Now.
You: Mama, I am
Infinitely grateful to
Be returned: Fetal
Dreams, Immediate
Realities conceived and
Birthed. Forget his tale;
Herstory is now: I can’t wait to be Here Now,
Maroon Velvet Void.
Alive as can be,
I experience my true
Identity: Breath.
I is one, is eye.
She foresaw this in the sixth
Dimension, Chakra.
Sophia Mama, I weep uncontrollably
Whenever I’m Here.
Bloom & expand
Your tears are explosions.
Are birthed & destroyed:
Cosmic receptors
Take care of it all.
Cosmic Receptors.
The dragons: They eat it all ~
They love our drama.
Dragons feed on
What brings us down:
Find your way
Elevating all.
Everybody has their
Preferred medicines, & we
Can train ourselves well.
We can train ourselves
To love the experience
Of discomfort: It’s
The momentary
Dip before we spring up high!
O, challenges, come ~
Come, come on in:
You are welcome,
You make us better;
You strengthen.
You decompose
The rotted
You, like Dragons & Demons,
Thrive on abstractions of Light:
Light masquerading in horrendous forms,
Hardly recognizable as Life Herself.
I welcome you in,
I let you decompose & strengthen me.
I let you decompose & empower,
Doing Sophia’s work.
O, My Mother,
Colossal Silence,
Resounds in the maroon chamber
Of your womb.
O, My Mother,
My heart’s ignited,
& I have the ability
To entirely wash out & recognize
My Self.
Truth & honor are good & great,
Love is absolutely the highest:
Love is absolutely the highest:
Truth & honor are good & great.
O, Beloved Mama Gaia,
Maroon temples sing:
My nose drips, my heart soars.
O Sophia Mama Gaia,
Glorious celebrations ~
Beings in white, flowers & doves abound.
I’m chilled,
Broken & busted,
Stronger than ever before.
I know I got it in me
To set the world ablaze.
If it’s my desire,
It must also be your desire, Mama.
Thank you for having me a part of your dream.
Thank you for making me exactly as you’ve made me. 9/30/91.
I will make you proud, Mom.
I will absolutely make beautiful art.
I will stay in tune with you
& in the darkest times
Dig in deeper to explose
The deepest lights that
May be hidden.
O, Sophia Mama Gaia,
I have great glory &
Glee in every one of my cells.
O Sophia Mama,
I have recorded the triumphant
Salvation of all lost souls &
Their causes.
O Mama Gaia Sophia,
I see in every molecule
& particle of your dream here,
Lucid windows into eternal salvation.
Let your breath emit calmness,
Let your heart beat peace
Into the molecules & particles
That surround your energy field.
I am Here.
I am in peace, resting for good.
Welcome to the afterlife, Mehtab.
I can focus with laser-like precision
That cars explode, cities implode,
& peace sighs with a smile.
O great glory & glee,
Hail to the sun & moon:
Our Mother & Father.
Hail to the Sun & Moon:
Our Mother & Father.